A hashtag is a keyword or term assigned to a piece of information that is prefaced by the hash (or pound) sign, #. Hashtags are used on microblogging and photo-sharing services such as Twitter or Instagram as a form of user-generated tagging that enables cross-referencing of content by topic or theme (Wikipedia).
Tags in Teamatix can be used:
when creating tasks
when creating task templates To avoid tagging every new task, we recommend using task templates, which already contain all necessary tags for analytics.
as a means of navigation and search in the newsfeed (ссылка на инструкцию про создание поста на англ).
to link uploaded Documents with the departments
When selecting a tag, Teamatix offers options from previously created tags. To search for a tag, start typing it. If the required tag has not been created yet, it can be created immediately by using the New tag button.
For a newly created tag, you can specify an explanatory comment and select a color.
Tags can be created in any panel, and they are not limited in quantity, but remember that the App will count each of them separately. Thus #umbrella and #umbrellas are different for the App.
All created tags can be viewed in the Tasks section. Choose #Tags from the list on the top panel.
Created and used tags cannot be deleted/merged. They can only be archived.
You can generate analytics by tags in the Reports PRO section*.
- Putting tags in previously created tasks will not lead to analytics recalculation. Tags must be selected at the time of task creation, and task template creation.